Monday 23 January 2017

Are Advertising Agencies Still Relevant Today?


It can be easy for us to forget the benefits of expert advice in an era which now seems dominated by big data internet marketing schemes.


It is, however, of fundamental importance to the business owner that their sight can pierce through the dense cloud and understand that engaging an advertising agency often means accepting assistance from an expert in this exact industry.


Throughout all of time, business owners have hired specialized experts to undertake particular roles and ensure that the owner can focus on matters more important to his/her role in sustaining the business.


This hasn't changed, and for this reason and those following, I sincerely recommend any business of appropriate size employ the efforts of an advertising agency.


How can I tell if my business is ready to engage advertising services? Check out my other article 'When Should My Business Start Advertising' to assist you in answering this question.
On the other hand, it is still necessary to conduct research and find an advertising agency with expertise most beneficial to your particular business type.


A website tool I've been developing lets the user find exactly that!


Feel free to visit Oureon to utilize an advertising service search engine, providing specific avenues of data-matching to find the agency or service most suited to your business.




Additional Reasons for Employing an Advertising Agency:


1. Advertising agencies will help the business decide which advertising services are most beneficial to the company in respect to the constructed brief.


2. Advertising agencies have an established and relevant industry network before the campaign is even born.


3. Advertising agencies already have the necessary internal infrastructure to ensure efficiency and success in campaign production.


4. Advertising agencies have developed strong relationships with media agencies and platforms, ensuring your campaigns can be placed in optimum positions and locations.


5. Advertising agencies don’t only focus on traditional campaign types. Many advertising agencies in contemporary times are moving towards the digital world, containing within their ranks individuals with great expertise in digital marketing practice.


6. Advertising agencies are also efficient at coordinating campaigns across multiple media platforms at the same time, allowing branding to benefit from a range of platform types, and generally increase the brands perceived legitimacy.


7. Remember! For the vast majority of businesses, engaging an advertising agency offers a cheaper and more successful alternative to building an internal marketing department that can launch its own campaigns.
Do you think advertising agencies are still relevant today? Let me know what you think in the comments below, or if you can provide any other reasons.

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